Donate a Dinner ™


Contribute to Your Community Directly

This charity team building event offers your team the chance to contribute to the community in the most fundamental way, to help end hunger, as they develop their workplace skills. By working to help improve the lives of others, team members find a common cause that binds them together, making this workshop as effective as it is meaningful.

Join in the fight to end hunger in your own community and you’ve made a powerful gift to those who need it most. We can suggest options in your area, or come to us with your ideas and we’ll make it happen. Your team can make a donation – small or large- that provides meals to the most vulnerable citizens in your community.

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High Performing Teams Will Engage for a Cause

Team building takes on a new dimension when there’s a social mission involved. By overcoming obstacles, team members will earn points towards a “donated dinner”. The more points they manage to accumulate, the larger their donation will be in the end.

They’ll have to be good at working together if they want to earn the most points, thereby achieving the largest donation. Skills they’ll call upon to solve problems and accomplish tasks doled out by our professional facilitators include:

  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Dealing With Limited Resources
  • Improving Communication
  • Big Picture Thinking
  • Collaboration with Colleagues
The fast-paced, interactive modules that serve as building blocks for our Donate a Dinner team building workshop emphasize collaboration among team members.
They’re meant to parallel the workplace setting, where the more colleagues communicate and collaborate, the better. The harder team members work to solve problems during the workshop, the more successful they’ll be…and that leads to more points towards the overall donation.
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Your Workshop, Your Choice

Looking to make a donation to a 501(c) non-profit organization? We can structure the workshop so teams earn points towards anything at all. Points translate to dollars and your finance department takes it from there, making the donation directly from your company to the charitable organization.

Your Donation Depends on Teamwork Success

As you can see, there’s a friendly, constructive competitive nature to the Donate a Dinner Workshop: teams can actually achieve fewer points if they experience a breakdown in processes as they work through the activities! They’ll certainly need to bring their A-Game if they want to make the big donation.

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Call (800) 861-8326 to get started Or Request a Quote

Whether you choose a local food pantry, or let us choose the dinner recipients for you, or even choose a completely different type of charitable organization, your team will have helped play a role in giving back and making a real difference.

To wrap everything up, we can make arrangements for presentation of a giant check to the receiving organization. This makes for a high energy finale to a high-impact event your team won’t soon forget!

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