This was a Charity Bike-a-Thon Workshop that we staged at the NBCUniversal offices for 40 members of their content delivery staff. Our Bike-a-Thons are a great way to improve on several important teamwork skills and the NBCUniversal team absorbed their lessons extremely well.
An Energetic Learns Teamwork Skills While Giving Back
The people from NBCUniversal came in eager and raring to go, so after dividing the group into teams, we got started on some warm-up games right away. Our facilitators coached them up as they went through these customized activities, with a focus on the teamwork skills management wanted us to teach.
The teams were both fun to work with and eager to learn. They worked hard from start to finish and clearly came more and more together as the day progressed. After the warmup games, they blazed through the parts earning phase and got busy assembling the bicycles.
The final touch was the appearance of several children who were participants in the programs at The Kips Bay Boys and Girls Club, the charity that NBCUniversal chose to benefit. It was truly touching to see the gratitude on the kids’ faces and the satisfaction on everyone else’s.
Kids from The Kips Bay Boys and Girls Club Were The Perfect Audience
This was truly a fantastic workshop, one with a great deal of energy, fun, and learning. There was also a tremendous emotional reward when the children accepted their bikes. Oftentimes, an adult representative accepts the donation, but it’s always special when the people who directly benefit are there in person.
Although our main workshop goals are always centered on our clients’ specific needs, a big part of our charity events are the rewards inherent to donating to a worthy cause. Fortunately, these two aspects of our charity workshops are never mutually exclusive. In other words, we can achieve both at the same time.
We achieve these goals simultaneously by custom designing the workshop to fit the client’s needs and address their problem areas. The charity that’s involved helps this process along in two different ways. First, they inspire the company’s group to come together as a team. Secondly, and more importantly for the long term, the charity helps teams set a precedent for pursuing goals and reminds them how satisfying it is when they get there.