Team building games are serious business at the Communication Company. Our recent Bike-A-Thon challenged and taught us all a lot of important lessons.
Team building games mean communication
The Communication Company is aptly named. They are leaders in the communications technology industry. Created in 1976, the Communication Company designs, installs, and services communications systems. Their clients include hospitals, sports arenas, theaters, and universities.
For the fire safety industry, the company creates emergency alarm system technology for burglaries, fires, gas and water leaks, and medical emergencies.
They also design and engineer communications systems for government agencies, as well as healthcare and education institutions, and commercial enterprises.
A stellar reputation for team building games
The Communication Company president was familiar with our work, having participated in another charitable team building workshop. In fact, he was so impressed, he requested us personally for this team building event.
Forgive me for bragging, but Magnovo’s reputation is well-deserved because we get results. We drill down into the priorities of each client and identify solutions to each challenge. We find ways to reinforce their vision and support their goals. And then we customize our presentations and workshop experiences to exceed their expectations!
Team building games mean team bonding gains
We were scheduled to meet 65 staffers at the Carnegie Library Special Events Center in Mishawaka Indiana. We planned to divide the group into teams and assemble 13 bikes to be donated to local kids.
A series of events created a comedy of errors that turned into a golden opportunity for some serious team bonding. First, we had far more workshop participants than we’d expected. Then we had more kids than bikes! Yikes!
Every trial can be a triumph when teammates pull together. Charitable giving always inspires our participants to rally their resources for a good cause. So in the true spirit of teamwork, we all pulled together as one—Magnovo facilitators and company staffers—and transformed the whole experience into team bonding magic.
The Boys and Girls Club kids were happy with the bikes we had on hand and the Communication Company president promised to deliver the 1 missing bike the very next day. And he’s ready for another Magnovo workshop remix later this year. We can’t wait!
Turning a problem into an opportunity to shine—that’s what team building games are all about.