RSA Security Boosts Team Spirit with a Community Charity Event

RSA Security team members proved that challenges are no match for working together for the greater good.

Investing in the Future of RSA Security Employees and the Community

RSAThis large group of 100 employees from RSA Security met at the beautiful Waldorf Astoria in Orlando for a chance to invest in their organization while bringing hope and inspiration to the Orlando, FL community.

A team building event of this magnitude wouldn’t be nearly as successful if there were no challenges to overcome. From the beginning, this event presented its own set of complications, everything from the distractions of food and drinks to keep the attention of the 100 participants. However, these setbacks only strengthened the outcome of the workshop, demonstrating their ability to serve others while fueling their company’s interests.

Combining Talents for a Good Cause

Being in the security sector of their company, RSA Security employees were no stranger to looking out for their customers’ best interests. However, the charity team building event gave them a new perspective on what it means to help others.

Though team building was at the heart of this event, Magnovo’s Bike-a-Thon served as its vessel. This event enabled the group to work together assemble bicycles that would be donated to Heart of Florida United Way. Through their donation, children in Orlando, FL would receive brand new bicycles that may have never had the opportunity otherwise.

After discovering what would become of their finished bicycles, the team’s motivation rose and they set right to work with a focus and determination not present at the onset of the event.

A Fun Team Building Event Finishes Strong in Orlando, FL

At the end of the event, the team got a surprise visit from Traci Blu, our contact at Heart of Florida United Way. She spoke to the group about what their contribution meant to them and the children who will be receiving the bicycles. Thanks to their efforts, more children would be able to experience the joy of bicycle ownership that may otherwise never get the opportunity.

This was the perfect end to the event, as it put the day’s activities into perspective for the group. Not only did the group have the opportunity to help their organization, but also add impact to the lives of children in the Orlando, FL community.