Belbin Team Roles

Don’t you love discovering things that make your job easier? After you experience a Belbin Team Roles Workshop, you’ll never look at team behavior the same way again.

That’s because Belbin teaches you how to recognize behavioral strengths in yourself and others. Why is that important? Because once you understand strengths the Belbin way, you can’t help but achieve maximum team performance every time!

What Are Belbin Team Roles?

Belbin-PeoplePersonality assessments can be useful… when they’re applied correctly. Belbin® reports go one step further than that and give applicable insights for immediate business applications. In fact, the Belbin® Team Roles system was designed with businesses in mind.

Belbin Team Roles are workplace-specific and focus on the roles each of us play in the work environment. Roles are not functions, however.

Your Belbin Role is Different From Your Job Title

We all have a function at work…accountant, sales leader, manager, research assistant. Belbin roles describe something else: behavior.

  • Are you a motivating force at work?
  • Maybe you’re more of a “finisher”, showing painstaking attention to detail.
  • Perhaps you’re a true teamworker, helping the team avoid conflict by listening and exercising your diplomatic skills.

Whatever your particular Belbin role may turn out to be, you can bet there’s someone with an opposing and complementary role. We’re all different, and a Belbin Workhop teaches you to recognize and appreciate differences, then use them to your advantage.

When everyone gets to play to their natural strengths, teamwork is in the bag. Efficiency increases by leaps and bouds. Morale soars.

We’re All Good At Something!

Maximize Strengths, Minimize Weaknesses. That’s the goal of Belbin Team Roles.

Nobody is good at everything. Just as each of us has a particular set of strengths, we all have weaknesses as well. By understanding your Belbin® team roles and the roles of your colleagues, you can also learn to minimize each others’ weaknesses.

It’s all about finding the right balance!

You certainly wouldn’t want a “motivator” taking care of details. It also wouldn’t do to have a “specialist” in charge of keeping the team focused! Likewise, you wouldn’t want a team full of “Plants”, which are people who exhibit high levels of creativity when it comes to problem solving. Their weakness, however, is their not-so-great communication skills.

These are all situations which show a mis-allocation of resources. Belbin shows you how to avoid that type of resource-wasting mistake. Belbin teaches you how to engage your talent for the following benefits:

  • develop a high-performing team
  • improve working relationships
  • increase efficiency
  • avoid conflict

What Are the Belbin Team Roles?

You’ll recognize yourself and others in these roles. Each one has “allowable weaknesses”, which you’ll learn to downplay during the interactive workshop activities.Belbin-Team-Roles

  • Plant
  • Motivator Evaluator
  • Coordinator
  • Resource Investigator
  • Implementer
  • Completer Finisher
  • Teamworker
  • Shaper
  • Specialist

Your Job Is Getting Easier Already!

A Belbin Team Roles Workshop will teach you how to maximize strengths and downplay weaknesses so everyone’s job gets easier.

If that sounds good to you, simply give us a call or use our handy quote form to contact us. We can supply you with details, answer your questions, and discuss how a customized Belbin® Workshop can work for you.