Grooming Leaders with Executive Presence Training

Choosing Leaders to Participate in Executive Presence Training

Attitude and intelligence are valuable assets for today’s leaders. But, if these leaders have a large ego or sensitive skin, their authority could suffer and hinder their chances for professional growth. Since many leaders are capable of being promoted within their organization, some pegged for success need assistance to reach the next level. How does an organization choose a leader for executive presence training?


Grooming Leaders with Executive Presence TrainingExecutive presence is not endemic to leadership. Some leaders need this attribute cultivated into their leadership style. But how do you identify which leaders can undergo this transformation process? Here are four signs you have a leader who is willing to undergo executive presence training:

1. Teachable – Anyone on your team who is willing to learn from someone else has the potential to accelerate their executive presence. The fruits of wisdom are palatable to them and they are eager to savor its golden nuggets. Leaders who are willing to be taught how to improve their professional stature within an organization can benefit from executive presence training.

2. Good listener – The tangent concerning communication is broad and long. Many focus on the speaking aspect and pay less attention to listening. People apt to benefit from executive presence training are good listeners. These leaders are able to grasp and implement executive presence as their own because they listen well. They listen with their ears and their eyes. They observe the obvious and not-so-obvious signs of leadership, style and a person’s command of an audience. They are willing to implement some of their findings into their own leadership style.

3. Open minded – If a leader is willing to consider criticism as constructive versus demeaning or an attack to their character, they stand a chance to benefit from executive presence training. People who want to achieve their highest potential are not defensive about their weaknesses, but willing to consider another’s viewpoint, assess themselves in the work setting and make the necessary adjustments.

4. Self-awareness – This trait is rooted in honesty and curiosity. Closely examining one’s behavior and attitude can prove a valuable experience. Asking others what they have experienced and observed about your own professional movements can increase one’s self-awareness and professional value. Participating in executive presence training would prove to be a beneficial learning experience as a gauge to assess, examine and improve your impact on others.

Magnovo Training Group can tailor an executive presence workshop to meet your organization’s specific needs. Use the above tips as a guide to choose which leaders would benefit from executive presence training. Your organization will discover these workshops allow you to groom your leaders under your own watchful eyes.