Welcome to Magnovo Training Group’s free series of team building icebreakers.
In this Tips Tuesdays series we will go through a few of our favorite team building icebreakers and give you examples, so that you can work them into your event.Another great icebreaker activity is the Sit Down If You Have Ever Game.
The facilitator starts off with a simple question like “Have you ever been to Disney World?” Everybody that has, sits down, or steps back if your team is in a circle. More detailed questions are asked every time until only one person is left standing or is in the center of the circle.
You’ll have a whole lot of fun and learn some interesting and sometimes off-the-wall information about the other person!
Follow this team building icebreaker video tips series as Magnovo’s president and dynamic keynote speaker Rob Jackson provides the tips and tricks that help him and the entire Magnovo team deliver charity team building workshops to Fortune 500 companies across the world.