Disc testing is one of the most common ways that companies gain psychological insights into their employees. It’s also one of the most effective. Essentially, disc testing is a simple questionnaire an employee takes to determine their most salient personality characteristics. Management can then use this information to optimize employee happiness, engagement, and productivity.
Disc testing is one of the most popular personality assessment tools available to employers. Personality testing can benefit a company in a variety of ways. These benefits include better team building, improved conflict resolution, and the ability to play to a given employee’s strengths.
While disc testing isn’t an attempt to oversimplify someone’s complexity, it does divide the human personality into four distinct groups: Dominant, influence, Steadiness, or Conscientious. In the following, you’ll get a closer look at the ‘Steadiness’ Disc personality type.
Disc Testing and The Steadiness Personality
In many ways, the steady personality type displays just what the term suggests. An employee of the steadiness type prefers to work with others in a previously existing framework, for instance. They also tend to enjoy carrying out specific tasks within this framework, especially those that have a distinct beginning, middle, and end.
Steady personalities aren’t as impressed with flashy, immediate results as some of the other personality types. They tend to prefer the methodical approach. Similarly, they prefer the certainty of incremental progress to the ‘big payoff’ that can result from taking big risks.
At an emotional level, the steadiness Disc personality places great value on things like reliability, mutual trust, cooperation, and sincerity. Typically, the steady type is motivated by things like opportunities to collaborate and feeling sincerely appreciated. But again– they prefer to be treated with a steady level of respect, as opposed to being praised loudly every great once in a while.
The steady type tends to display stability, consistency, and patience. They’re also usually very calm and deliberate. Though every personality type presents certain challenges, many people enjoy working the steady type personality because of their cooperative attitude and willingness to give support.
The steady type has areas of weakness as well. Not surprisingly, they are usually uncomfortable with change and will go often take great pains to avoid it. They can also be indecisive at certain times, largely as a result of the discomfort and stress that can accompany change.
Best Management Practices for the Steadiness Type
The steady type can thrive in a leadership role, but it helps to know what to expect from them. The steady type’s humility serves them well in a leadership role. Their accommodating and supportive style also makes for good leadership in certain circumstances.
But there is often a flip side to all these positive traits. The steady type tends to avoid confrontation and usually finds multitasking very difficult. Also, it’s very important to keep in mind that the steady type does not respond well to being rushed. They also experience a great deal of stress when drastic changes occur.
When managing a steady personality, it helps to understand their goals. Typically, the steady personality desires individual accomplishment, social acceptance, and the authority that comes with a specific formal role. Just as importantly, the steady type wants to maintain the status quo.
This does not mean that you should allow things to stagnate just to accommodate the steady types you manage. Change is inevitable, especially in today’s dynamic workplace. The steady type can and must adapt, but managers can make these necessary transitions much easier by bringing them along slowly.
Every workplace environment needs the calming presence of the steady type. By simultaneously challenging them to adapt and letting them proceed slowly, you’ll greatly increase their effectiveness.