This was a DiSC Personality Discovery Workshop we staged for the Kellogg Company in Kalamazoo, MI. We held the workshop at the Food Dance Restaurant, which proved to be a great setting for the team to reach the next level of self-knowledge and cooperation. We were very pleased with the end results, the most important of which was the development of improved interpersonal relationships.
The Kellogg Company Unpacks Different Personality Types
This was the second part of The Kellogg Company’s DiSC Workshop and we used it to work on leadership and management skills from a personality perspective. We started the day off by breaking down the relative strengths and weaknesses of eight different personality styles. This is a common practice in most of our DiSC workshops, largely because it helps demonstrate the value of distinct personality types and the ways they communicate.
Once we finished unpacking the eight different personality types, we took this understanding to a deeper level by applying it to several situations that often arise in the typical corporate setting. The Kellogg team did a great job considering these situations from a leadership perspective and coming up with possible solutions.
Helping them develop and trust this perspective was one our main goals coming in, but the Kellogg team deserves a lot of credit for the growth they achieved. Their experience and willingness to learn made it that much easier for us to demonstrate the value of collaboration.
Mutual Understanding Yields Better Results
After applying a personality style perspective to specific situations, we discussed issues such as ‘How do we overcome opposition and conflicts to reach a consensus?’ These discussions served to broaden the scope of the team’s new knowledge and put an exclamation point on an already excellent event.
All in all, this workshop went really well. By the end of the day, each member of the Kellogg team had a better idea of their respective strengths and weaknesses. They also had a more intimate understanding of the different personality types they’re likely to encounter in the workplace.
This new understanding is bound to have a profound effect on their ability to work with others. In other words, they’ll be more content, efficient, and productive during the course of their daily work life. And what more could you ask for than that?