Magnovo was honored when the donations from a recent Puttin Pantry Workshop became the highlight of a 9/11 commemoration in Portland Oregon. This was an example of corporate social responsibility at its finest.
Green Bits provides point-of-sales technology for use by medical cannabis retailers. Thousands of patients suffering from cancer, epilepsy, and other debilitating conditions benefit from medical marijuana. It can ease pain, nausea, depression, and other side effects from long-term diseases.
As a part of their current corporate social responsibility initiative, Green Bits invited us to conduct a motivational teambuilding workshop. Their choice of our Puttin Pantry Workshop was not unique, but the venue was.
They wanted the donations from our workshop to support homeless veterans. And they wanted to take the workshop to their turf. So we spent the day in a derelict part of the city where the homeless veterans live.
Corporate social responsibility with grit
We worked with 35 members of the Green Bits staff assembling a putt-putt golf course made of canned and boxed foods–veggies, meats, fruits, cereals, pasta–and beverages.
We donated all of the items to Transition Projects which offers a lifeline and a bridge back into society for homeless veterans in the Portland community.
Our donations were distributed on 9/11 during Transition Projects’ 2018 Portland Veterans Stand Down, which remembered and honored the victims of America’s most horrific terrorist attack.
According to the Transition Projects Director of Development, Roma A. Peyser, more than 100 volunteers and 120 community organizations, service providers, and employers came together to honor and support veterans experiencing or at-risk of homelessness.
Corporate social responsibility as a business model
The good we do–the partnerships we seek out with charities across the country–is at the core of our business model. Over the past decade, Magnovo has become an industry leader in teambuilding, leadership development, and DISC personality training and we’re grateful for our success.
But it’s how our work has impacted the lives of the less fortunate that fuels our fire. The bikes we’ve delivered to kids for whom such a luxury wouldn’t exist. The care packages to homesick military personnel overseas. The school supplies we’ve given to hundreds of kids whose parents can’t afford them.
The canned goods and other foodstuffs we distribute through our Puttin Pantry Workshops feed hungry bellies. Comfort. Reassure. Boost morale. Offer hope.
This is why we do the good we do. Because it matters. And every time we do it, we count it a tremendous honor and privilege to touch so many lives.