Meadowbrook Financial Mortgage Team Event Includes the Garden City, NY Community 

Being in the financial industry, Meadowbrook Financial Mortgage employees were no strangers to meeting their customers’ needs. However, their participation in the Bike-a-Thon™ for charity gave them a new perspective on how their workplace involvement can make a deeper impact on their community.

Meadowbrook Financial Mortgage Achieves Company Goals by Helping Others

meadowbrookOur group was initially to include 40 employees of Meadowbrook Financial Mortgage. However, as a business sometimes dictates, only about half were able to join the event while the remaining half worked through the event. This immediately demonstrated their dedication both to their customers and to their team in ensuring business could continue. The team spirit here was already strong, and this event would serve their desire to keep it that way.

By participating in a charity team building workshop, the group was positioned not only to learn about each other but also to learn how far their teamwork can go in building a better community.

Building Bicycles for a Better Future for Garden City, NY Children

Unlike many team training events, this one held a special significance: the core activity was Magnovo’s Bike-a-Thon™, a program that allowed team members to work together to build bicycles and donate them to a local charity. The group was delighted to learn more about their chosen recipient, EAC Network. This non-profit organization is dedicated to serving abused and neglected children, along with other community programs and services.

After Meadowbrook Financial Mortgage employees discovered they would be donating their bikes to this organization, the challenges of the day were soon forgotten and they set right to work with a contagious enthusiasm. They realized that their contributions would be used by children who don’t just need a bike, but are in need of hope for a better future.

A Fun Event with Fundamental Results

After the Bike-a-Thon™ activities were finished, the available group members met for a debriefing. They were excited to partner with EAC Network to provide their finished bikes to children who have been through more than many people will experience in a lifetime. The group also recognized that their contribution wouldn’t have been possible without the talents and support of their team, which made the event all the more worthwhile to them.