I have to admit, I like the idea of New Year’s Resolutions. Not only for myself, but for my team. But it’s March, not January, so is setting a New Year’s resolution even relevant at this point?
In a way, Yes.
Here’s why:
New Year’s Resolutions Vs. Goals
When people talk about New Year’s Resolutions, they’re referring to what they plan to do achieve in the coming year. When someone sets a goal, they’re talking about something they want to accomplish. So where does the difference lie?
Mostly, it’s the fact that people make New Year’s resolutions at the start of the year and they usually give themselves the entire calendar to fulfill that goal. But let’s face facts: a goal is a goal is goal, no matter which way you call it.
In my experience, it’s never too late to go after whatever you want to achieve.
What Are Your Goals This Year?
I’ve always said my main goal for my career is to do what I absolutely have a passion for. The second goal is as important to me as the first: help the people who work for me do what they love and have a passion for.
What are the personal and business goals for your team members? Have you asked them?
Something you may not have considered is the fact that your team’s goals could have a lot to do with whether or not you achieve your own. For example, one of my ongoing goals is to become a better leader. But when you think about what that really means, you may realize that it requires a whole heap of input and participation from your team.
So I get to know my team so I can better understand how to lead them. I ask them questions. I listen to their opinions. I have an open door policy. This enables me to uncover existing problems, prevent other problems, and create an environment that my team wants to be a part of.
But I don’t stop there. I talk to them about their goals, where they want to be in a year or five years. Then I find ways I can help them get there. I invest in them because that’s what great leaders do.
And wouldn’t you know? That investment is contagious.
Connecting Team Goals for Success in 2018
A goal I hear from many of the companies that Magnovo works with on team building is that their people get to know each other better and how to work better as a team. I agree with their goals. The better your team understands and knows each other, the better they will work together.
One way to accomplish both goals is to incorporate a team building event in the first quarter or half of the year. Don’t forget or put off the planning. Magnovo’s Bike-A-ThonTM Bicycle Team Building Event, Rescue Buddies Stuffed Animal Team Building Workshop, Mission: Military Care, Wheelcharity Wheelchair Team Building, and many others are great ways to get your teams working as a solid unit because they learn a lot about each other and how to overcome challenges.
They must work together to accomplish goals, and as a result the whole group feels a sense of victory with each other.
So, give one of our capable sales department, or heck, even call me on my cell phone at 317-413-6024, to find out which Magnovo Team Building Events will help you accomplish the goals for you and your team, no matter how long it’s been since you made your New Year’s resolutions.