A group of local teachers and administrators rounded out a day of team building with our Bike-A-Thon™, with the proceeds donated to children enrolled in the Children’s Mentoring Connection‘s programs.
Making Time for Each Other
As many teachers and administrators can attest to, it’s really challenging to find quiet, and quality, time with other educators. School days are busy. Every spare minute is scheduled. And so these summertime team building sessions become even more critical for practicing good communication skills.
The Board of Developmental Disabilities organized a full day’s events at Camp Berry, a nearby Boy Scout camp site. The board is responsible for planning and funding programs and activities for residents with developmental disabilities and their families. This event was for the educators who administer these programs and activities. Magnovo provided the afternoon programming. The group of 80 participants had already completed a scavenger hunt and lunch. We arrived on-site to find a friendly and engaged group ready to get down to work.
Helping Their Students & Their Findlay, OH, Community
Our Bike-A-Thon™ program builds on common team building themes. We offer a safe place to explore problem-solving, conflict resolution, and most importantly, communication through community-oriented games and challenges.
We divided the group into ten teams and provided every group with a set of tools. As they played Air Counting, Golf Ball Bounce, Wordles, and more, teams earned bicycle parts. Creative challenges made bicycle assembly interesting and prompted teams to really work together. We asked the group to strive for the completion of ten new bicycles for kids who belonged to Children’s Mentoring Connection, a local non-profit.
Participants took it all in stride. We had beautiful weather and ample room at the camp for everyone to work comfortably. Some good-natured competition drove productivity, and the group completed more bicycles than we expected!
Participants were pretty generous in complimenting each other’s hard work, and they did work hard!
Children’s Mentoring Connection Receives Donation
Stacy A. Shaw, LSW, arrived late that afternoon to accept our donation of 12 shiny, new bicycles. She was excited to see how much the group accomplished and was emphatically grateful in her remarks.
The group mingled with Ms. Shaw afterward. They were eager to hear more about Children’s Mentoring Connection. We heard a lot of success stories about the kids who benefitted from mentoring relationships with the volunteers they were paired with. As the program came to a close, there were lots of hugs and congratulations among participants on jobs well-done.