Building a High Performance Team by the Numbers

What better evidence that your company has been successful at building a high performance team than the fruit of your labors? Fruit such as 132 children’s bikes…61 wagon loads of school and baby supplies…18 wheelchairs. And all this in just 60 days.

Building a High Performance Team by the Numbers

From Florida to Arkansas to Illinois to California, The Magnovo Training Group is building a high performance team which is driven by one thing: service.


So that thousands of adorable babies, needy students, struggling parents, and brave soldiers across the country know one thing: we care.

In service to communities all over the country and military personnel over all the globe, the Magnovo team partners with wonderful organizations like Operation Shoebox, the Wounded Warrior Project, and Operation Gratitude. Firefighters, EMTs, police officers, and other first responders in big cities and small towns are all part of our commitment to corporate social responsibility.

We give back because we get so much back in return. The effusive feedback from the corporations with whom we sponsor charitable workshops is encouraging, motivating, and humbling:

Thank you so much for working with us this year. We have received tons of rave reviews from our team. They’ve said your team building workshop was the best we’ve ever had! I will definitely keep your company at the top of our list for future events and referrals. Thank you again!

It really felt good to bond with the rest of our team, while doing something good for others. Somehow the facilitator got our group to do things they normally wouldn’t do, and they didn’t complain afterwards!

These are a just a couple of the testimonials we’ve received recently from companies with whom we’ve conducted charitable activities including our Wagon Builders Team Building Workshops, Wheelcharity Wheelchair Team Building Workshops, Rescue Buddies Stuffed Animal Team Building Workshops, and other wonderful events.

And the families to whom we donate offer the best evidence of the success of our efforts–not so much with words, but with tears, smiles, and hugs. Books, notebooks, pens, backpacks, stuffed animals, bikes, and other gifts–even the smallest item can have a big impact on the lives of poor kids and their families in need of a little kindness and support.

Our work is rewarding, fruitful, beneficial, and rather addictive. Yes, we’re hooked! Service is as much a part of our bottom line as any other line item, and the payoff always exceeds our expectations. Interested in building a high performance team? Join us.