Ash Brokerage is doing well with a beautiful new headquarters- they decided to share the goodwill with soldiers stationed overseas. Here’s how one charity workshop reached soldiers with over 300 donated items, all in a day.
We met a group from Ash Brokerage at their new HQ in Fort Wayne, Indiana, this summer for a charity workshop. The one they chose – Mission: Military Care – was one that connected them to far-flung soldiers stationed overseas. This workshop has participants filling super-huge care packages for soldiers. It’s a way of sending them a taste of home.
What better way to celebrate a brand spankin’ new building for your company? As you know, giving back is one way to make everyone feel included in the celebration. It’s also how everyone can take part in the activities of giving back. So much more personal than writing a check to charity!
A Sales Training Meeting Turns into a Major Charity Event
The Ash Brokerage sales meeting for employees from all over the country was the real reason for the gathering of this group. Mission: Military Care was simply an add-on to the full roster of training events for the day.
Needless to say, the participants expressed glee when they realized that this event wasn’t just another training session. Instead, it was full of hands-on activities and fun challenges. We designed it to keep them on their toes, sharing information and communicating in wonderful new, inspired ways.
Oh, and they also handled over 300 items that went into care packages for soldiers! The culminating event for the workshop was the stuffing of care package bags. Those bags would then be sent overseas to soldiers. The logistics of all those care packages was taken care of by Operation Stars and Stripes.
Presentation by Local National Guard & Army Veteran Brought it all Together
Command Sergeant Major Kelly Kelly, a recently deployed US Army vet, was kind enough to show up towards the end of the workshop for a presentation to the group. He explained how much it means to a deployed soldier to receive a care package like the ones the group was about to assemble. It reminds them that people haven’t forgotten them.
The energy was inspiring as the Ash Brokerage teams – nine of them in all – worked together to stuff those military care bags. They got to see a side of one another they didn’t usually get to see at work. Plus, everyone got to end the day knowing they’d done something good for our soldiers.