Appropriate Use of Humor In Communication: Learn to communicate effectively with Magnovo’s Tips Tuesdays series
Using humor in communication with your audience is extremely important.One of the things you need to understand is that if you like telling jokes, they come natural to you, and most importantly – people laugh at your jokes – it is a great thing to do to connect with your audience, to build rappor, find common ground.
But I have a simple rule – if you don’t like telling jokes, if they don’t seem to come natural, and most importantly – if people don’t laugh at your jokes – don’t use them!
There’s nothing worse than having someone tell a joke that falls flat. If it falls flat, then all of a sudden everybody is looking uncomfortable because they’re wondering ‘how long is this going to last’, and ‘does this guy really think he’s that funny’?
If you like humor, use it. If it’s effective, use it. If it’s not effective, if you don’t like it, if people don’t laugh at it, use something, anything else to communicate with your audience.