From Silos to Warehouses: Team Building Activities for Communication

The things that challenge companies aren’t always easily labeled, and for that reason, a one-size-fits-all approach won’t fix them. Look at the idea of team building activities for communication. For example, consider an organization where departments or locations communicate well internally, but struggle to share with each other data, progress reports, or other resources necessary to carry a project to fruition. These communication silos present special challenges to an entity, and require customized solutions.

When Good Communication Goes Bad

There’s no mistaking the positives that come from good communication where it happens. Putting together a group of individuals that works well together is an accomplishment. Employees are engaged and feel supported by their colleagues, progress is made on projects, and there’s a level of trust that’s valuable to all members of the group. It’s a short trip though, from a tight-knit, insular group that has strong internal communication skills to a territorial group that’s unwilling to share information and resources.

Team Building Activities for Communication

The same leaders and managers who are at the helm of these departments may not even realize the threats these silos represent. Organizations that can’t share critical information are at risk of not being nimble when it matters – whether that’s a crisis moment or phenomenal opportunity. Entrenched communication styles can’t be overhauled via memo, staff meeting, or even one-on-ones with key players. A team development program that encompasses all units of an organization can begin to shift the corporate culture to one where openness and sharing become highly valued qualities.

Team Building Activities for Communication, Pro Style

A single, out-of-the-box program won’t sufficiently address the problem though. The root causes of communication silos and the high-level strategies required to minimize their dominance and effects may require a two-pronged, customized approach. Carefully constructed activities can guide management and leadership toward recognizing signs of communication silos. Meanwhile, staff across departments can participate in group projects that offer the chance to see alternate communication styles in action, and practice them for continued post-program use. Practical applications can help loosen the stranglehold without making folks feel like they’re forced to give up the gains they’ve worked for.

Team building activities for communication sound pretty easy until you begin to realize how much of a mountain you may be moving, depending on your corporate culture. With the experience and expertise of professional program developers and leaders, employees at all levels may begin to understand how and why to communicate better through first-hand experiences that stick.